Welcome to B R HILLS
Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.
Shwethagiri located in the Biligiri Rangana Hill (BR Hill), Karnataka, is a unique blend of wildlife sanctury and hill station.Set 3500ft above the sea level, the hill are interspersed with valley, stream and the place of breathtaking scenic beauty.And the Biligiri Rangana Temple (BRT) wildlife sanctruary , is a heaven for a variety of wild animals and birds, making it a ‘must-see’ for those who love the pristine beauty of wilderness. India’s most wanted brigand,veerappan, with his trademark handlebar moustache,once roamed these forests.
BR Hills or Biligiri Rangana Hills is a hill range on the eastern border of the Western Ghats. It lies at a spot where the Eastern and Western Ghats meet and create a diverse eco-system. BR Hills provides ample scope for adventure sports like trekking and rafting and the Cauvery and Kapila Rivers that flow through these hills offer opportunities for angling, fishing and coracle boat riding..
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Various observations point to a possible biogeographic link between BR hills and Nilgiri ranges.